Tune in or visit upcoming election forums
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 24, 2000
Austin area residents can educate themselves politically without leaving the couch this week, starting tonight.
Tuesday, October 24, 2000
Austin area residents can educate themselves politically without leaving the couch this week, starting tonight.
A series of forums will be televised to discuss local issues and campaigns.
Those who are a little confused about the upcoming referendum on city ordinance No. 450 can tune into cable’s Community Access Channel 6 at 7:30 p.m. today. Not KSMQ public television as many believe, but the public access channel that usually plays the blue-background public service announcements.
The question local voters need to decide with their referendum votes is whether or not to approve the city’s annexation of 55 acres of land west of the J.C. Hormel Nature Center. The Austin City Council already has approved the annexation – twice, to be exact, because the first annexation was rejected by Lansing Township.
A "no" vote on the referendum will deny the annexation and delay any future attempts by two years. A "yes" vote will confirm the council vote and open the door for the development process to continue.
Arguing for the annexation will be developer Richard Kahn of Minneapolis, a partner in the Greater Minnesota Affordable Housing development company that would like to build single-family homes ranging in price from $100,000 and up on the land.
Arguing against the annexation will be Dr. Mark Reeve, spokesman for the group opposing the annexation and development of what is now farmland. The citizen group would like to see the land preserved as green space, to be used for passive recreation and wildlife habitat.
Tonight’s forum was organized at the request of Austin Mayor Bonnie Rietz. However, because there was no organization willing to sponsor the debate, KSMQ General Manager Jude Andrews said cable Channel 6 seemed the appropriate venue.
Later this week
Viewers can tune in KSMQ-TV on Wednesday and Thursday nights to learn more about local candidates and their positions on various issues. The Austin Area League of Women Voters is sponsoring the forums for local candidates in conjunction with the public television station. Viewers are encouraged to call in questions for the candidates.
On Wednesday, Austin City Council candidates debate from 8 to 9 p.m., with candidates for the Mower County Board of Commissioners taking the spotlight from 9 to 10 p.m. Candidates for offices in the Minnesota House and Senate will discuss the issues from 8 to 9 p.m. Thursday.
The forums are an election regular for the Austin Area LWV and KSMQ. There is no political agenda behind the forums, just the goal of educating the public.
For those who like to see their candidates in the flesh, there are more forums to come.
On Saturday morning, starting with an optional $6 continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m. at the Austin Holiday Inn and Conference Center, the Austin Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a morning of politics.
The candidates for City Council and County Board will appear from 8 to 9:30 a.m. State representative and Senate candidates will take over from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Reservations for this forum is appreciated as seating is limited; call 437-4561. The purpose of Saturday’s forums is to discuss the issues that affect business with state and local candidates.
Nov. 1
Next week, at 7 p.m. Nov. 1, the Austin branch of the American Association of University Women will sponsor a candidates forum in Room C-127 of Riverland Community College’s East Building.
Candidates invited are incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. Gil Gutknecht and his challenger, DFLer Mary Rieder; incumbent state Sen. Pat Piper (DFL-Austin) and her challenger, Grace Schwab (R-Albert Lea); and incumbent state Rep. Rob Leighton (DFL-Austin) and his challenger, Jeff Anderson (R-Austin).
The format of the AAUW forum will be informal. Each candidate will be given five minutes for an introduction and then will respond to questions from the floor.