Fredrickson is employee of the month
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 7, 2000
Sandy Fredrickson has been named Mower County employee of the month.
Monday, August 07, 2000
Sandy Fredrickson has been named Mower County employee of the month.
Fredrickson, a laboratory technician in the Mower County Department of Environmental Health Services, was honored by the county board of commissioners at their Tuesday meeting.
Bill Buckley, the county’s environmental health services director, nominated Fredrickson for the honor.
Buckley said Fredrickson has earned a solid reputation for her customer service in dealing with the public. He also said she enjoys outstanding work place relations with other employees of the department and other county departments.
But Buckley also said, Fredrickson distinguished herself in the aftermath of the July 10 flooding.
"Sandy worked above and beyond the call of duty," Buckley told the commissioners. "She took on added responsibilities and I feel she really deserves this honor."
The county’s environmental health services office performed exceptionally well in the aftermath of the heavy rains and flooding in early July. Among the additional work were the number of free water tests administered property owners in flood-prone areas.
The tests were needed to determine if the private wells had been contaminated with coliform bacteria and nitrates due to the heavy rains and flooding.
Buckley said the entire environmental health services department acquitted itself admirably during the time of extra demands from the public due to the flooding.
The praise was echoed by Ray Tucker, Second District county commissioner and chairman of the board.
Tucker said he has worked with Fredrickson in his private tiling business. "Her performance and knowledge in her job well exceeds that required of the job," Tucker said.
Also present for Tuesday’s county employee recognition ceremonies were Carol Mostrom, water quality specialist, and Val Krueger, office manager, who both praised Fredrickson’s selection as Mower County Employee of the Month award-winner for August.
Other winners of the monthly employee recognition were: Julie Tufte, Ruth Paulson, David Pearson, Cynthia Thomas, Sandy Anderson, Kelly Mehus and Jennel Hines.
For more information about nominating a county employee for the honor, contact human resources director, Al Cordes at 437-9549.