Flood recovery continues
Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 22, 2000
The Mower County United Way board of directors approved a $20,000 contribution to the combined disaster recovery fund for flood relief efforts in Austin.
Saturday, July 22, 2000
The Mower County United Way board of directors approved a $20,000 contribution to the combined disaster recovery fund for flood relief efforts in Austin.
The action was taken Friday and announced by Amy J. Baskin, executive director of Mower County United Way.
According to Baskin, the goal is to raise $200,000 to subsidize the flood relief efforts of the Mower County chapter of the American Red Cross and Salvation Army Austin Corps.
Last Thursday, the Aid Association for Lutherans visited Austin to donate $15,000 to flood relief efforts.
Other large donations have come from the Early Risers Kiwanis Club and Sacred Heart Care Center employees.
The Salvation Army uses 100 percent of each donation received on flood victims and flood relief efforts. No amount of money is deducted for administration or turned over to other levels of the Salvation Army.
Anyone interested in donating to the new combined disaster relief fund may call Baskin at the United Way offices (437-2313), Elaine Hansen at the Mower County Red Cross offices (437-4589) or Majors Doug and Linda Yeck at the Salvation Army (437-4566).
Stores opening soon
Three of the hardest-hit businesses of the July 9-10 flooding in Austin were Jim’s Super Valu, Doors and Floors, Inc. and Star Liquor, all located in a small shopping center off Oakland Avenue East at the 11th Street intersection.
On Friday, Jim Baldus, owner of Jim’s Super Valu, announced the supermarket will reopen this week on Wednesday.
Next door, Joel Jensen, co-owner of Doors & Floors, Inc., announced the business will reopen by week’s end and possibly Friday.
Star Liquor has reopened.
Also, Double K Specialty, Inc. has temporarily returned to its old location at 309 3rd Ave. SE, while cleanup and repair efforts continue at its 4th Street Northeast location.
Recovery centers opens
Two disaster recovery centers open this week in southeast Minnesota for individuals and business owners in Fillmore, Houston and Mower counties.
The centers are available to those people who have already applied for assistance by calling the special toll-free application number 1-800-462-9029.
On Tuesday, a recovery center will open at Fillmore Central Elementary School in Preston.
On Wednesday and Thursday, a disaster recovery center will open at the National Guard Armory in Austin.
Both sites will be open 10 am. to 7 p.m. on the scheduled days.
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, at each disaster recovery center flood victims may receive information from the state, FEMA and Small Business Association representatives.
Among the expected topics for discussion are insurance and public health issues, disaster housing and individual and family grant programs, repair, reconstruction and weather-proofing of homes and the SBA’s own disaster programs.
FEMA" ‘Use care’
During the recovery process, victims of a weather-related disaster may find they become victims a second time when they hire a contractor for home repair.
"Don’t rush into hiring the first contractor you talk to about repairing disaster-related damage to your home or business," said federal coordinating officer, Ted Monette of FEMA.
"Be especially alert for door-to-door solicitors who ask for large cash deposits or entire payments in advance," Monette said. "Often the work is never performed and the payment is never returned.