Council appointment announced today
Published 12:00 am Friday, January 21, 2000
As city officials ready to make a retreat in order to plan for the needs of the coming year, the Austin City Council remains with one empty seat.
Friday, January 21, 2000
As city officials ready to make a retreat in order to plan for the needs of the coming year, the Austin City Council remains with one empty seat. To kick off Friday’s retreat, an appointment will be announced to fill that empty chair.
Six applications were received to replace Second Ward councilman Todd Penske, who resigned when his business, Cooperative Response Center, began negotiations with the city that would have given him a conflict of interest.
Applicants for the seat include Garry Ellingson, former Mower County chief deputy; Roger Boughton, former vice president of academic affairs at Riverland Community College; Linnea Burtch, a former licensed practical nurse; Rich Osness, president of Colorcraft; Michael Allen, a student and Hormel Foods Corp. employee; and Chuck Anderson, another Hormel Foods Corp. employee.
All six were interviewed Saturday by the council, and an appointment will be announced at 3 p.m. today.