Salvation Army honors helpers

Published 12:00 am Friday, December 17, 1999

There may be no better job than those at the Salvation Army Austin Corps at Christmastime.

Friday, December 17, 1999

There may be no better job than those at the Salvation Army Austin Corps at Christmastime.

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Throughout the year, the organization works zealously to fulfill its mission, which, in part, is to meet human needs.

At Christmastime, those needs multiply and so does the Salvation Army’s good deeds.

That was the theme of Thursday night’s annual Salvation Army Christmas party for volunteers and other friends.

Dan Conradt, an advisory board member and chairman of the organization’s Christmas Cheer committee, welcomed guests to the community center dining hall.

Conradt said he was "so pleased and proud" to be able to assist the organization in any way.

The news director for KAUS- AM-FM radio told how growing up in Rose Creek, the Conradt family lived next door to a disadvantaged family. "I was 7 or 8 years old at the time and one day in December, I saw this big van pull up in the neighbors’ driveway. It had a red shield on the side and I asked my mother ‘What is that?’" he said.

"She told me that was the Salvation Army and they are an organization that helps make people’s lives better. Isn’t that so simple and yet so profound. It perfectly describes the Salvation Army in my opinion," he said.

Capt. Douglas Yeck, officer in charge, gave the invocation and dinner prepared by Ron and Sherry Whalen was enjoyed by all.