Money stolen from Riverside Arena safe

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 7, 1999

Riverside Arena staff report $500 is missing from a safe at the facility near downtown Austin.

Tuesday, December 07, 1999

Riverside Arena staff report $500 is missing from a safe at the facility near downtown Austin.

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According to an Austin Police Department report, the theft occurred sometime between 9 p.m. Dec. 5 and 5 a.m. Dec. 6.

A man who opens the facility for early morning public skating, first noticed entrance had been gained to the facility overnight last Saturday. He waited for a full-time employee to arrive to work and both discovered a door knob had apparently been pounded off to gain entrance to the room where the safe was located.

Inside the room, the safe door was open and the safe emptied of three money bags containing cash receipts.

Another employee who closed the facility the night before the theft was discovered told investigators the room and safe were locked.

It is possible someone remained inside the facility and hid from employees before entering the room and stealing the money, according to the police report.

The investigation continues.