Christmas lighting contest winners are announced

Published 12:00 am Thursday, December 16, 1999

The warm weather often leads people back outside to rearrange and add to their Christmas lighting schemes.

Thursday, December 16, 1999

The warm weather often leads people back outside to rearrange and add to their Christmas lighting schemes. This year it also led a banner number of people to enter their lighting work into the Christmas in the City lighting contest.

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The winners of this year’s Chamber of Commerce-sponsored event were as follows:

Northeast - Jerry and Millie Simes, 1919 Fifth Ave. NE

Northwest - Roger and Karen Jacobs, 201 12th Place NW

Southeast - Matt Clark. 715 10th Ave. SE

Southwest - Bob Waldron, 1204 18th St. SW

"We had more entrants this year than we’ve ever had before," confirmed the Chamber’s Judy Skogeboe, who coordinated this year’s effort. "And it was residential only."

The next step is for people to enjoy the lighting on the bus tours.

Tours will be held Dec. 21 and 22, with a 6:30 p.m. "loading time" for the buses, and a 7 p.m. start.

"It should take until about 9 p.m., and then there will be refreshments served at the Senior Center both nights," Skogeboe said.

A special family bus, leaving from Austin High School, will cater to the whims of children for the first time this year.

"Santa will be there and treats and games for the kids," Skogeboe said. "It should be so much fun for them."

Bus pickup locations are Pickett Place, in a Heartland Express Bus; The Cedars, Heartland Express Bus; Twin Towers, Coach Bus; Austin High School, Family Coach Bus; and at the Senior Center, in a Coach bus.

There are some tickets remaining, Skogeboe said, and these may be purchased at either Nemitz’s on Main Street, or in the Chamber offices. Handicap-accessible seats must be purchased at the Chamber.