Movie theater groundbreaking hits snag

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 29, 1999

‘Oops’ was the word of the day yesterday, when the groundbreaking for the new CineMagic 7 Theatres was interrupted by the discovery that the movie-complex has been planned right over a city-owned easement – necessary because a sewage water line runs directly underneath.

Wednesday, September 29, 1999

‘Oops’ was the word of the day yesterday, when the groundbreaking for the new CineMagic 7 Theatres was interrupted by the discovery that the movie-complex has been planned right over a city-owned easement – necessary because a sewage water line runs directly underneath.

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This morning Joseph Company’s Carter Wagner said the construction company was working with the city to reach a solution.

"There are always a few challenges when you start the earthworks part of a project," Wagner said.

City engineer Jon Erichson said there are basically two alternatives for the multi-screen cinema complex going up next to On Cue in the East corridor of OakPark Mall: either move the building site a few feet or reroute the sewage line so the city could still get access to repair the line.

"It’s a relatively simple process," Erichson said. "This whole thing will probably be resolved before the paper hits the streets."

In other OakPark news, General Manager Colleen Klucas announced that a Sears outlet is expected to open at Thanksgiving, Younker’s is officially expanding its boutique into the temporary space it has been renting since before Christmas; and Carla McCarthy is opening a NASCAR store on Oct. 15. McCarthy’s store will also carry WWF and NFL merchandise.