Letter: Free education is not free

Published 9:21 am Friday, January 23, 2015

“Free” education is truly ‘Pre-Paid’ education. Those who deliver education have to be paid. They don’t work for free.

Beside students, there are many other ‘deserving’ people who cannot afford their needs and have huge debts. There is no proposal to forgive their debts or to provide for them “free.”

“Free” education will be paid for the way we pay for everything else; by borrowing.

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Contrary to our past, Americans are now forced to borrow every penny we use or ‘save.’ That’s slavery or, more nicely, servitude. Time increases the debt not the money supply. Only more borrowing increases the money supply. Repaying loan/bond principal extinguishes the money. More borrowing is required to pay interest on previous loans. That’s why Public and private debt constantly grows. We use an evidence of indebtedness, what we owe, for money.

Adding the unpayable cost of money (interest) to goods and services causes a constant and growing spread between the money supply and the rising costs of living (and education). This results in a loss of purchasing power in the medium of exchange (numbers created on a computer at the time a loan is made) and growing difficulty making ends meet.

Will “free” education, any education, start teaching Representatives, Senators and citizens what we use for money, the truth of our economic servitude, the meaning of Freedom and that getting the debt out of our economy will, at the very least, restore affordability, prosperity, Freedom and Justice?

Gregory Soderberg,
