School Board Q&A: Accountant Glowac brings experience with public finances

Published 5:09 am Monday, August 13, 2012

School Board Q&A: Kathy Glowac, running for Austin Public Schools Board


Q: Why are you best qualified to represent Austin on the School Board?

A: I bring a combination of work experience in the public, private and governmental employer sectors. I am a certified public accountant and worked as a governmental auditor prior to working for Austin Public Schools; both of which attributed to my understanding of school finance and personnel issues. Having had the day to day exposure to issues that affect the District gives me an advantage on the “new board member” learning curve.


Q: Board members may be asked over the next few years to make budget cuts. What initiatives or programs would you cut? What do you consider too important to cut?

A: I don’t think that completely cutting particular programs is in the best interest of the majority of the district’s pupils. Cuts should be made across all programs, asking that all employees determine ways to reduce redundancy and waste.

I don’t think that any particular program is more “important” than another since each program benefits certain students. Once again, if each program can determine ways to trim the fat, all students will be treated equally.


Q: What technological advancements do Austin Public Schools need to make?

A: Our students need to have the latest technology available to make them successful when they leave school. The technology landscape changes so quickly, we need to be sure our kids have all the tools they need when they leave our schools.


Q: Sumner Elementary School is in the second year of its year-round, 45/15 schedule. If Sumner students show gains in state comprehensive testing scores, should 45/15 be adopted district-wide?

A: I don’t believe that the MCA’s should be the only measure of the success of such a program. Being 45/15 district-wide could be a long-term goal, but there are going to be obstacles in many families that would make this unfeasible for the short term.


Q: What programs, initiatives or class would you like to see added to the district?

A: I would like to see a follow-up with students who have been in college, the workforce or the military for a year or two to see what they feel was missing from their Austin Public Schools education. Also, the recent college grads who are hired by the district would be an excellent source of ideas for additional programs/iniatives that may be lacking in our current curriculum. With the improved access to college classes that is now available to some students, the best course may be to shore up the core areas for all students.