The workings of dogs when the night takes over

Published 1:01 pm Saturday, March 31, 2012

“If one loses one’s temper at every human folly one will live one’s life in a constant state of ire.” Somerset Maugham


It’s one of those days again where I’m trying to put something together for this column and nothing comes to mind. Its after dark. Fred is napping on the couch with his head leaning against the window.

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Its too dark to really see what is passing by. Mello is licking her hind paw quietly until a soft neighborhood barking surfaces down the way, advances Mello to the window to check it out.

Mello then returns back to the rug that hosts eight chewing bones to chew on. Mello and Fred hook on to at least one of them every day.

Fred is out of the picture, sleeping quietly behind me. Next to Mello is Ptolme, the male cat that Jana, my neice, and Lydia, our first-born, acquired who was threatened with a possible drowning. That was 20-some years ago.

During the afternoon I went to veterans office to find out some information regarding an instrument to use and coordinate the meaning of the machine.

Unfortunately I had the numbers on the counter to apply them to the machine but that somehow is missing and I was hoping to get some help.

Instead of waiting I walked over to the library to inquire about the cost of the “Jack Kennedy Elusive Hero” by Chris Matthews that Mello disected most of the front cover.

The left-hand upper corner is missing a couple layers and the picture of Jack Kennedy walking somewhere along a coastal region. Where in reading we watch him navigate his life from privileged, rebellious youth to gutsy American president and where we watch JFK as a young politician learning to play hardball and watch him growing into the leader who averts a nuclear war.

If you read the book that brings Jack along with Richard Nixon you discover how John maneuvers and praises Richard and fosters Nixon’s roll that talks tough and John softens his position to his favor.

If anyone is desperately interested and you can’t find a copy at the library, I have one roughed over.